The focus of our management-oriented research is ensuring effectiveness and efficiency in marketing. Our team uses both qualitative and quantitative research methods to develop procedures and approaches that support executives in conducting marketing management control. On the one hand, we deal with the definition and selection of suitable marketing metrics. Key research areas are the development of performance measurement systems and methods to determine the “Return on Marketing”. On the other hand, we examine the use of strategic and operational control instruments as well as budgeting methods in marketing.

Marketing Controlling
In our research, we examine control systems and instruments in marketing as well as the chain of effects of marketing activities.
Marketing-Controlling: Marketingeffektivität und -effizienz sicherstellen
Eschenbach R., Baumüller J., Siller H. (eds) Funktions-Controlling. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2021.
Sven Reinecke
Sven Reinecke
Kennzahlensysteme in Marketing und Verkauf: Gütekriterien, Grundprinzipien, Implementierung
Handbuch Marketing-Controlling, 2021, 151–177.
Sven Reinecke & Gerold Geis
Sven Reinecke & Gerold Geis