Sponsoring im Fussballstation

Sponsoring & Digital Activation in Sports Sponsoring

(Sports) sponsorship serves as an effective communication tool in companies in the transmission of emotions. In our research, we investigate the digital activation possibilities for rights holders and sponsors.

In hardly any other industry than sports can emotions be conveyed so effectively. But communication tools must be distinctive and thus stand out from the mass of communication contacts. Companies are increasingly using sports sponsorship as a means of communication to convey emotional, unique unforgettable experiences. The goals in sports sponsorship range from brand building to new customer acquisition. Classic goals include increasing brand awareness, cultivating brand image, or occasionally direct sales and revenue goals. While classic sponsoring has already been very well studied in research, there are only a few studies on digital sponsoring. However, the digitalization of business and society is also reflected in a digitalized “fan journey”. From booking tickets, following sporting events online, or paying for visits to the stadium, many digital elements can be distinguished. Rights holders must work closely with sponsors to plan and implement digital activation measures. From the sponsor’s point of view, the question arises as to how their own rights and brands can be digitally activated.

We deal with the changing digital sponsorship world in our research and answer relevant questions for researchers and practitioners on how sponsorship can be brought to a new digital level:

  • How does digital sponsorship work compared to traditional sponsorship?
  • Which technologies show high potential for fan engagement?
  • What does the future of digital sponsorship look like?
  • How can analog and digital sponsorship be optimally combined?


Porträt Prof. Dr. Sven Reinecke
Prof. Dr.
Sven Reinecke
Porträt Meriton Ceka
Meriton Ceka
Research Associate & Doctoral Candidate
  • Porträt Prof. Dr. Sven Reinecke
    Prof. Dr.
    Sven Reinecke
  • Porträt Meriton Ceka
    Meriton Ceka
    Research Associate & Doctoral Candidate


Aktivierung im Sportsponsoring: Gestaltung strategischer Partnerschaften aus Sponsorenperspektive
Universität St.Gallen, 2021, Dissertation.

Dominik Schwizer
Sponsoring: Best Practices
Marketing Review St. Gallen, 2019, 6.

Sven Reinecke et al.
Sponsoring effektiv und effizient gestalten
Controlling & Management Review, 2017, 61 (1), 24–31.

Sven Reinecke & Dominik Schwizer