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Strategic Marketing: The Task-Oriented Approach

Management of Customer Acquisition, Customer Retention, Product Innovation & Product Maintenance

In the future, market success will continue to be the most important lever for increasing corporate value. The core message of the task-oriented approach is that companies achieve strategic competitive advantages by matching their competencies as closely as possible to the available market potential. In other words, companies are successful in the market in the long term if they are in a better position than the competition to develop new product or customer potential or to exploit existing potential. Integrated management of the four core tasks derived from this (customer acquisition, customer retention, product innovation, product maintenance) is therefore necessary in order to create sustainable value for the company.


Porträt Prof. Dr. Sven Reinecke
Prof. Dr.
Sven Reinecke
Porträt Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Torsten Tomczak
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.
Private: Torsten Tomczak
  • Porträt Prof. Dr. Sven Reinecke
    Prof. Dr.
    Sven Reinecke
  • Porträt Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Torsten Tomczak
    Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.
    Private: Torsten Tomczak


Strategic Marketing. Market-Oriented Corporate and Business Unit Planning.
Springer-Gabler: Wiesbaden, 2018.

Torsten Tomczak, Sven Reinecke & Alfred Kuss