In times of resentment and protectionism, for example, we explore the question of how domestic country biases arise and how they can be prevented. The aim is always to develop implications for practice, both for companies and for customers. For example, our research will help companies develop go-to-market strategies, marketing programs and segmentation concepts with the aim of successfully counteracting protectionist tendencies. Customers should be helped to decide rationally according to their customer preferences and not to be negatively influenced in their decisions by subconscious influences. In line with the credo “Marketing for Impact”, we also investigate whether and how marketing can contribute not only to limiting the influence of resentment or protectionism, but also to reducing protectionist tendencies overall. Other questions include tradeoffs between authenticity and consistency on the one hand and local optimization of corporate strategy on the other. Furthermore, we investigate the influence of language and dialects on consumer behavior.

International Marketing, Country of Origin, & Consumer Behavior
At the intersection of international management, international marketing, and psychology, we study social trends and perceptions of products and services worldwide and their impact on consumer behavior
Pride and Prejudice: Unraveling and Mitigating Domestic Country Bias
Journal of International Business Studies (forthcoming).
Peter Mathias Fischer, Katharina Zeugner-Roth, Constantine Katsikeas & Mario Pandelaere.
Peter Mathias Fischer, Katharina Zeugner-Roth, Constantine Katsikeas & Mario Pandelaere.
Disentangling country-of-origin effects: the interplay of product ethnicity, national identity, and consumer ethnocentrism
Marketing Letters, 2017, 28 (2), 189–204.
Peter Mathias Fischer & Katharina Zeugner-Roth
Peter Mathias Fischer & Katharina Zeugner-Roth
Preispremium Swissness Worldwide und "Country-of-Origin"-Effekte – Der Einfluss von Produktethnizität auf die Zahlungsbereitschaft
Die Unternehmung, 2015, 69 (2), 132–152.
Peter Mathias Fischer & Sven Reinecke
Peter Mathias Fischer & Sven Reinecke