If companies want to prevail with a multichannel approach against the online-only competition, they have to offer customers clear added value across all channels. Our research investigates how innovative sales channels (online and offline) can generate relevant customer benefits and thus sustainable competitive advantages through the right linking and support.

Channel Management
Our research on channel management helps companies to accompany their customers across all the channels where they can be found.
Multi-Channel Management im CRM
In Hippner, Hajo; Hubrich, Beate & Wilde, Klaus D. (ed.): Grundlagen des CRM : Strategie, Geschäftsprozesse und IT-Unterstützung. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag, 2011, 559–597.
Marcus Schögel, Jochen Binder, Inga Schmidt & Achim Sauer
Marcus Schögel, Jochen Binder, Inga Schmidt & Achim Sauer
Integrating Bricks with Clicks: Retailer-Level and Channel-Level Outcomes of Online-Offline Channel Integration
Journal of Retailing, 2015, 91 (2), 309–325.
Dennis Herhausen, Jochen Binder Marcus Schögel & Andreas Herrmann
Dennis Herhausen, Jochen Binder Marcus Schögel & Andreas Herrmann
Steering Customers to the Online Channel: The Influence of Personal Relationships, Learning Investments, and Attitude toward the Firm
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2013, 19 (3), 368–379.
Dennis Herhausen, Marcus Schögel & Matthias Schulten
Dennis Herhausen, Marcus Schögel & Matthias Schulten
Channel Extension Strategies: The Crucial Roles of Internal Capabilities and Customer Lock-In
European Retail Research, 2012, 26 (1), 43–70.
Jochen Binder, Dennis Herhausen, Nicolas Pernet & Marcus Schögel
Jochen Binder, Dennis Herhausen, Nicolas Pernet & Marcus Schögel
Creating Customer Value Online and Its Impact on Service Satisfaction and Willingness to Pay Across Distribution Channels
American Marketing Association Winter Educators' Conference 2013 – Las Vegas, USA.
Jochen Binder, Dennis Herhausen & Marcus Schögel
Jochen Binder, Dennis Herhausen & Marcus Schögel