For a company to be customer-centric, it has to put its customers’ interests at the center of its actions. This means solving their customers “job-to-done” not just selling them products. With our research, we promote a systematic and holistic approach to implementing customer-centric business initiatives.
Customer Centricity
Customer Centricity refers to the structures, technologies and strategies which allow companies to put the interests of their customers at the center of their actions.
Customer Centricity bei der Graubündner Kantonalbank : Kundenorientierung als Veränderungsprogramm
Marketing Review St.Gallen, 2013, 30 (5), 22–35.
Alex Villiger, Dennis Herhausen & Marcus Schögel
Alex Villiger, Dennis Herhausen & Marcus Schögel
Neue Kundenbedürfnisse wecken
In Hoffmann, Christian Pieter; Lennerts, Silke; Schmitz, Christian; Stölzle, Wolfgang & Uebernickel, Falk (ed.): Business Innovation: Das St. Galler Modell. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, 2016, 211–228.
Dennis Herhausen & Marcus Schögel
Dennis Herhausen & Marcus Schögel
Change Management – Strategischer Erfolgsfaktor bei der Umsetzung kundenorientierter Strategien
In Stadelmann, Martin; Wolter, Sven & Troesch, Mireille (ed.): Customer Relationship Management: Neue CRM-Best-Practice-Fallstudien und -Konzepte zu Prozessen, Organisation, Mitarbeiterführung und Technologie. Zürich: Verlag Industrielle Organisation, 2008, 187–200.
Marcus Schögel & Oliver Arndt
Marcus Schögel & Oliver Arndt